Mulai Tgl 8 Mei 2010, In My Mystery bakalan posting komik dengan label XmangaX, nih daftarnya gan (Naruto, One piece, Bleach, Eyeshield 21 ). buat yang mesen komik selain yang disebutin tadi hubungi admin . Hatur Nuhun !!!
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Naruto is licensed in the United States by VIZ Media. Please support the publishers that bring our favorite manga titles to the US by purchasing the official Naruto manga volumes when they are available in your area.
Twelve years before the events at the focus of the series, the nine-tailed demon fox attacked Konohagakure. It was a powerful demon indeed; a single swing of one of its nine tails would raise tsunamis and flatten mountains. It raised chaos and slaughtered many people, until the leader of the Leaf Village - the Fourth Hokage - defeated it by sacrificing his own life to seal the demon inside a newly-born child, whose origins are as yet unknown. That child's name was Naruto Uzumaki.

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